Beginner’s Guide to Multilingual WordPress: Plugins, Widgets, and Tips.


Introduction to Multilingual WordPress

In today’s globalised world, having a multilingual website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether you’re running a blog, an e-commerce store, or a corporate website, reaching a broader audience can significantly impact your success. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), offers various tools and plugins to help you create a multilingual site. This guide will walk you through the essentials of setting up a multilingual WordPress site, including the best plugins, widgets, and tips to make the process as smooth as possible.

Why Go Multilingual?

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s essential to understand why you should consider making your WordPress site multilingual. Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Reach a Global Audience: By offering content in multiple languages, you can attract visitors from different parts of the world.
  • Improve User Experience: Providing content in a user’s native language can significantly enhance their experience on your site.
  • Boost SEO: Multilingual sites can improve your search engine rankings by targeting keywords in different languages.
  • Increase Engagement: Users are more likely to engage with content they can easily understand.
  • Expand Market Reach: For e-commerce sites, offering multiple languages can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Choosing the Right Multilingual Plugin

One of the first steps in creating a multilingual WordPress site is choosing the right plugin. Several plugins can help you manage translations, but not all are created equal. Here are some of the most popular options:

WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin)

WPML is one of the most widely used multilingual plugins for WordPress. It offers a comprehensive set of features that make it easy to translate your site into multiple languages.

  • Features: WPML supports over 40 languages, offers a user-friendly interface, and integrates with popular themes and plugins.
  • Pros: Extensive documentation, excellent customer support, and compatibility with most WordPress themes and plugins.
  • Cons: It is a premium plugin, so it comes with a cost. Some users may find it a bit complex to set up initially.


Polylang is another popular choice for creating a multilingual WordPress site. It offers a free version with essential features and a premium version with additional functionalities.

  • Features: Polylang supports an unlimited number of languages, offers a simple interface, and integrates with popular SEO plugins.
  • Pros: Free version available, easy to use, and good performance.
  • Cons: Limited support for e-commerce sites unless you purchase the premium version.


TranslatePress is a user-friendly plugin that allows you to translate your entire site directly from the front-end.

  • Features: Real-time translation, supports multiple languages, and integrates with WooCommerce.
  • Pros: Intuitive interface, real-time preview, and compatibility with most themes and plugins.
  • Cons: Some advanced features require a premium subscription.

Setting Up Your Multilingual Site

Once you’ve chosen a plugin, the next step is to set up your multilingual site. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

First, install and activate the multilingual plugin of your choice. You can do this by navigating to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard, clicking on “Add New,” and searching for the plugin.

Step 2: Configure Language Settings

After activating the plugin, you’ll need to configure the language settings. This usually involves selecting the languages you want to add to your site and setting a default language.

Step 3: Translate Content

With the language settings configured, you can start translating your content. Most plugins offer a user-friendly interface for managing translations. You can translate posts, pages, categories, tags, and even custom post types.

Step 4: Translate Menus and Widgets

Don’t forget to translate your site’s menus and widgets. Most multilingual plugins offer options to create separate menus for each language and translate widget content.

Step 5: Test Your Site

Before going live, thoroughly test your site to ensure that all translations are accurate and that the user experience is seamless. Check for broken links, missing translations, and any other issues that may affect your site’s performance.

Best Practices for Multilingual SEO

Creating a multilingual site is not just about translating content; it’s also about optimising your site for search engines. Here are some best practices for multilingual SEO:

Use hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags help search engines understand the language and regional targeting of your pages. Make sure to add hreflang tags to your site’s header to improve your multilingual SEO.

Create Separate URLs for Each Language

Using separate URLs for each language version of your site can help search engines index your content more effectively. You can achieve this by using subdirectories (e.g.,, subdomains (e.g.,, or separate domains (e.g.,

Optimise Meta Tags

Ensure that your meta titles and descriptions are translated and optimised for each language. This can improve your click-through rates and overall SEO performance.

Localise Content

Translation is not just about converting text from one language to another; it’s also about localising content to suit the cultural and regional preferences of your audience. Use local keywords, idioms, and phrases to make your content more relatable.

Using Widgets for Multilingual Sites

Widgets can enhance the functionality of your multilingual site by providing additional features and improving user experience. Here are some useful widgets for multilingual WordPress sites:

Language Switcher Widget

A language switcher widget allows users to easily switch between different language versions of your site. Most multilingual plugins offer a built-in language switcher widget that you can add to your site’s sidebar, footer, or header.

Custom Widgets

You can create custom widgets to display content specific to each language. For example, you can create a custom widget to display language-specific announcements, promotions, or contact information.

Social Media Widgets

Social media widgets can help you connect with your audience on different platforms. Make sure to translate the content of your social media widgets to match the language of your site.

Tips for Managing a Multilingual Site

Managing a multilingual site can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can make the process more manageable. Here are some tips to help you:

Regularly Update Translations

Keep your translations up to date by regularly reviewing and updating your content. This ensures that your site remains relevant and accurate.

Use Professional Translators

While machine translation tools can be helpful, they are not always accurate. Consider hiring professional translators to ensure the quality and accuracy of your translations.

Monitor Site Performance

Regularly monitor your site’s performance to identify any issues that may affect user experience or SEO. Use tools like Google Analytics to track traffic, bounce rates, and other key metrics.

Engage with Your Audience

Engage with your audience by responding to comments and feedback in their native language. This can help build trust and loyalty among your users.


Creating a multilingual WordPress site can open up new opportunities for reaching a global audience and improving user experience. By choosing the right plugin, following best practices for multilingual SEO, and using widgets effectively, you can create a seamless and engaging multilingual site. Remember to regularly update your translations, use professional translators, and monitor your site’s performance to ensure continued success.

Q&A Section

Q1: What is the best multilingual plugin for WordPress?

A1: The best multilingual plugin for WordPress depends on your specific needs. WPML, Polylang, and TranslatePress are among the most popular options, each offering unique features and benefits.

Q2: How do I add a language switcher to my WordPress site?

A2: Most multilingual plugins offer a built-in language switcher widget that you can add to your site’s sidebar, footer, or header. Simply go to the Widgets section in your WordPress dashboard and add the language switcher widget to your desired location.

Q3: Can I use machine translation for my multilingual site?

A3: While machine translation tools can be helpful, they are not always accurate. It’s recommended to use professional translators to ensure the quality and accuracy of your translations.

Q4: How do I optimise my multilingual site for SEO?

A4: To optimise your multilingual site for SEO, use hreflang tags, create separate URLs for each language, optimise meta tags, and localise content to suit the cultural and regional preferences of your audience.

Q5: How often should I update my translations?

A5: Regularly review and update your translations to ensure that your site remains relevant and accurate. This can help improve user experience and maintain the quality of your content.
