Creating a User-Friendly Multilingual Experience on Shopify.


Introduction to Multilingual Shopify Stores

In today’s globalised world, creating a user-friendly multilingual experience on Shopify is not just a luxury but a necessity. With the rise of e-commerce, businesses are no longer confined to their local markets. Instead, they have the opportunity to reach customers from all corners of the globe. However, to effectively tap into these diverse markets, it’s crucial to offer a seamless shopping experience in multiple languages. This article delves into the intricacies of setting up a multilingual Shopify store, providing valuable insights and practical tips to ensure your store caters to a global audience.

Why Multilingual Stores Matter

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s essential to understand why multilingual stores are so important. Here are some key reasons:

  • Broader Reach: By offering your store in multiple languages, you can attract customers from different linguistic backgrounds, thereby expanding your market reach.
  • Improved User Experience: Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they can navigate and understand your store in their native language.
  • Increased Trust: A multilingual store demonstrates that you value and respect your customers’ language and culture, fostering trust and loyalty.
  • SEO Benefits: Multilingual stores can improve your search engine rankings in different regions, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Setting Up a Multilingual Shopify Store

Choosing the Right Theme

The first step in creating a multilingual Shopify store is selecting a theme that supports multiple languages. While Shopify offers a wide range of themes, not all of them are designed with multilingual functionality in mind. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a theme:

  • Language Support: Ensure the theme supports multiple languages and can be easily customised to add new languages.
  • Responsive Design: A responsive theme ensures that your store looks great on all devices, providing a consistent experience for users regardless of their device.
  • Customisability: Choose a theme that allows you to easily customise the layout, fonts, and colours to match your brand’s identity.

Using Translation Apps

Once you’ve selected a suitable theme, the next step is to use translation apps to translate your store’s content. Shopify offers several translation apps that can help you achieve this. Some popular options include:

  • Langify: Langify is a powerful translation app that allows you to translate your store’s content into multiple languages. It supports automatic language detection and offers a user-friendly interface for managing translations.
  • Weglot: Weglot is another popular translation app that provides automatic translations and allows you to manually edit translations for accuracy. It also offers SEO-friendly features to help improve your store’s visibility in different regions.
  • GTranslate: GTranslate leverages Google Translate to provide automatic translations for your store. It offers a range of customisation options and supports over 100 languages.

Translating Store Content

With the right translation app in place, it’s time to start translating your store’s content. This includes:

  • Product Descriptions: Translate all product descriptions to ensure customers can understand the features and benefits of your products.
  • Navigation Menus: Ensure that all navigation menus are translated to provide a seamless browsing experience.
  • Checkout Process: Translate the entire checkout process, including payment options and shipping information, to make it easy for customers to complete their purchase.
  • Customer Support: Provide multilingual customer support to assist customers in their preferred language.

Managing Multiple Currencies

In addition to offering multiple languages, it’s also important to support multiple currencies. This allows customers to view prices and make payments in their local currency, enhancing their shopping experience. Shopify offers several apps that can help you manage multiple currencies, including:

  • Shopify Payments: Shopify Payments supports multiple currencies and allows you to accept payments from customers around the world.
  • Multi-Currency by Bold: This app allows you to display prices in multiple currencies and automatically convert prices based on the customer’s location.
  • Currency Converter Plus: Currency Converter Plus provides real-time currency conversion and supports over 200 currencies.

Optimising for SEO

Using Hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags are essential for indicating to search engines which language and region a particular page is intended for. This helps improve your store’s visibility in different regions and ensures that users are directed to the correct language version of your site. Here’s how to implement hreflang tags:

  • Identify Language and Region: Determine the language and region for each page on your site. For example, “en-US” for English (United States) and “fr-FR” for French (France).
  • Add Hreflang Tags: Add hreflang tags to the HTML head section of each page, specifying the language and region. For example: <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-US" href="">
  • Use Canonical Tags: Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page if you have multiple versions in different languages.

Creating Multilingual Sitemaps

A multilingual sitemap helps search engines understand the structure of your site and index the correct language versions of your pages. Here’s how to create a multilingual sitemap:

  • Generate Sitemaps for Each Language: Use a sitemap generator tool to create separate sitemaps for each language version of your site.
  • Submit Sitemaps to Search Engines: Submit each sitemap to search engines like Google and Bing using their respective webmaster tools.
  • Update Sitemaps Regularly: Regularly update your sitemaps to reflect any changes to your site’s structure or content.

Enhancing User Experience

Providing Language Switchers

A language switcher allows users to easily switch between different language versions of your site. Here are some tips for implementing an effective language switcher:

  • Visible Placement: Place the language switcher in a prominent location, such as the header or footer, to ensure users can easily find it.
  • Use Flags or Language Names: Use flags or language names to clearly indicate the available languages.
  • Automatic Language Detection: Implement automatic language detection to redirect users to the appropriate language version based on their browser settings or IP address.

Localising Content

Localising content goes beyond simple translation. It involves adapting your content to suit the cultural and linguistic preferences of your target audience. Here are some key aspects of content localisation:

  • Currency and Date Formats: Use local currency and date formats to provide a familiar experience for users.
  • Units of Measurement: Adapt units of measurement (e.g., metric vs. imperial) to match the preferences of your target audience.
  • Images and Graphics: Use images and graphics that resonate with the cultural context of your target audience.
  • Local Regulations and Preferences: Ensure your content complies with local regulations and aligns with the preferences of your target audience.

Testing and Optimising Your Multilingual Store

Conducting Usability Testing

Usability testing is crucial to ensure that your multilingual store provides a seamless experience for users. Here are some steps to conduct usability testing:

  • Recruit Testers: Recruit testers from different linguistic backgrounds to evaluate your store’s usability.
  • Create Test Scenarios: Develop test scenarios that cover key tasks, such as browsing products, adding items to the cart, and completing the checkout process.
  • Collect Feedback: Collect feedback from testers to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Implement Improvements: Use the feedback to make necessary improvements and optimise your store’s usability.

Monitoring Performance

Regularly monitoring the performance of your multilingual store is essential to ensure it continues to meet the needs of your global audience. Here are some key metrics to track:

  • Traffic and Conversion Rates: Monitor traffic and conversion rates for each language version of your site to identify any discrepancies or areas for improvement.
  • Bounce Rates: Track bounce rates to identify any issues with user engagement or content relevance.
  • Customer Feedback: Collect and analyse customer feedback to identify any pain points or areas for improvement.
  • SEO Performance: Monitor your store’s SEO performance in different regions to ensure it continues to rank well in search engine results.


Creating a user-friendly multilingual experience on Shopify is a multifaceted process that involves careful planning, implementation, and ongoing optimisation. By choosing the right theme, using translation apps, managing multiple currencies, optimising for SEO, enhancing user experience, and regularly testing and monitoring performance, you can ensure that your store caters to a global audience and provides a seamless shopping experience for users from different linguistic backgrounds.

In summary, a well-executed multilingual Shopify store can help you reach a broader audience, improve user experience, build trust, and boost your SEO performance. While the process may seem daunting, the benefits far outweigh the challenges, making it a worthwhile investment for any e-commerce business looking to expand its global reach.

Q&A Section

Question Answer
What are the benefits of having a multilingual Shopify store? A multilingual Shopify store can help you reach a broader audience, improve user experience, build trust, and boost your SEO performance.
Which translation apps are recommended for Shopify? Some popular translation apps for Shopify include Langify, Weglot, and GTranslate.
How can I manage multiple currencies on my Shopify store? You can manage multiple currencies using apps like Shopify Payments, Multi-Currency by Bold, and Currency Converter Plus.
What are hreflang tags and why are they important? Hreflang tags indicate to search engines which language and region a particular page is intended for, helping improve your store’s visibility in different regions.
How can I enhance the user experience on my multilingual Shopify store? You can enhance the user experience by providing language switchers, localising content, and ensuring a seamless browsing and checkout process.
