How to Set Up Automatic Translation in Your Shopify Store


Introduction to Automatic Translation in Shopify

In today’s globalised market, reaching a broader audience is more important than ever. One effective way to do this is by offering your Shopify store in multiple languages. Automatic translation can help you achieve this goal efficiently. This article will guide you through the process of setting up automatic translation in your Shopify store, ensuring that you can cater to a diverse customer base without the need for extensive manual translation work.

Why Automatic Translation is Essential for Your Shopify Store

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s crucial to understand why automatic translation is beneficial for your Shopify store. Here are some key reasons:

  • Reach a Global Audience: By offering your store in multiple languages, you can attract customers from different parts of the world.
  • Improve Customer Experience: Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they can browse your store in their native language.
  • Boost SEO: Multilingual stores can improve your search engine rankings in different regions.
  • Save Time and Resources: Automatic translation tools can save you the time and cost associated with manual translation.

Choosing the Right Translation App for Shopify

Shopify offers a variety of translation apps that can help you set up automatic translation for your store. Here are some popular options:

  • Langify: A comprehensive app that supports multiple languages and offers automatic translation.
  • Weglot: Known for its ease of use and quick setup, Weglot is a popular choice for many Shopify store owners.
  • GTranslate: Utilises Google Translate to provide automatic translations for your store.
  • Translate My Store: Offers both automatic and manual translation options, giving you flexibility.

Comparing Translation Apps

To help you make an informed decision, here’s a comparison table of the key features of these translation apps:

Feature Langify Weglot GTranslate Translate My Store
Automatic Translation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manual Translation Yes Yes No Yes
SEO Optimisation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ease of Use Moderate High High Moderate
Price Varies Varies Varies Varies

Setting Up Automatic Translation in Shopify

Once you’ve chosen the right translation app for your needs, follow these steps to set up automatic translation in your Shopify store:

Step 1: Install the Translation App

First, navigate to the Shopify App Store and search for the translation app you’ve chosen. Click on the app and then click the “Add app” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app in your Shopify store.

Step 2: Configure the App Settings

After installing the app, you’ll need to configure its settings. This typically involves selecting the languages you want to translate your store into and setting up any additional options such as automatic translation, manual translation, and SEO settings.

Step 3: Translate Your Store Content

Once the app is configured, it will automatically translate your store content into the selected languages. This includes product descriptions, collection pages, and other key areas of your store. Some apps also allow you to manually edit translations if needed.

Step 4: Test Your Translations

It’s important to test your translations to ensure they are accurate and make sense in the context of your store. Navigate through your store in each language and check for any errors or awkward phrasing. Most translation apps allow you to make adjustments as needed.

Step 5: Monitor and Update Translations

Automatic translations are not always perfect, so it’s important to monitor your translations regularly and make updates as needed. This will help ensure that your store remains user-friendly and professional in all languages.

Best Practices for Automatic Translation in Shopify

To get the most out of automatic translation in your Shopify store, consider these best practices:

  • Choose High-Quality Translation Apps: Not all translation apps are created equal. Choose one that offers high-quality translations and good customer support.
  • Regularly Review Translations: Automatic translations can sometimes be inaccurate. Regularly review and update your translations to ensure they are accurate and make sense.
  • Optimise for SEO: Make sure your translations are optimised for search engines. This can help improve your search engine rankings in different regions.
  • Consider Cultural Differences: Different cultures have different preferences and expectations. Make sure your translations take these differences into account.
  • Provide Customer Support in Multiple Languages: Offering customer support in multiple languages can help improve the customer experience and increase sales.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Setting up automatic translation in your Shopify store can come with its own set of challenges. Here are some common issues and how to overcome them:

Challenge 1: Inaccurate Translations

Automatic translations are not always perfect and can sometimes result in inaccurate or awkward phrasing. To overcome this, regularly review and update your translations. Consider using a combination of automatic and manual translation for the best results.

Challenge 2: SEO Issues

Translating your store into multiple languages can sometimes cause SEO issues, such as duplicate content. To avoid this, make sure your translations are optimised for search engines and use hreflang tags to indicate the language and region of each page.

Challenge 3: Cultural Differences

Different cultures have different preferences and expectations. To ensure your translations are culturally appropriate, consider hiring a native speaker to review your translations and provide feedback.

Challenge 4: Technical Issues

Setting up automatic translation can sometimes result in technical issues, such as broken links or formatting problems. To avoid this, thoroughly test your translations and make sure everything is working correctly before going live.


Setting up automatic translation in your Shopify store can help you reach a global audience, improve the customer experience, and boost your SEO. By choosing the right translation app, following best practices, and overcoming common challenges, you can ensure that your store is user-friendly and professional in all languages. Regularly review and update your translations to ensure they remain accurate and effective.

Q&A Section

Q1: What are the benefits of automatic translation for my Shopify store?

A1: Automatic translation can help you reach a global audience, improve customer experience, boost SEO, and save time and resources.

A2: Some popular translation apps for Shopify include Langify, Weglot, GTranslate, and Translate My Store.

Q3: How do I set up automatic translation in my Shopify store?

A3: To set up automatic translation, install a translation app from the Shopify App Store, configure the app settings, translate your store content, test the translations, and monitor and update them regularly.

Q4: What are some best practices for automatic translation in Shopify?

A4: Best practices include choosing high-quality translation apps, regularly reviewing translations, optimising for SEO, considering cultural differences, and providing customer support in multiple languages.

Q5: How can I overcome common challenges with automatic translation?

A5: To overcome challenges such as inaccurate translations, SEO issues, cultural differences, and technical issues, regularly review and update translations, optimise for SEO, consider cultural differences, and thoroughly test your translations before going live.
