How to Translate Your Shopify Store for International Customers?


Why Translating Your Shopify Store Matters

In today’s globalised economy, expanding your Shopify store to international markets can significantly boost your sales and brand recognition. However, to effectively reach and engage with customers from different linguistic backgrounds, translating your store is essential. This article will guide you through the process of translating your Shopify store for international customers, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for all.

Understanding the Importance of Translation

Translating your Shopify store is not just about converting text from one language to another. It involves localising your content to resonate with the cultural nuances and preferences of your target audience. Here are some reasons why translation is crucial:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they can navigate and understand your store in their native language.
  • Increased Trust: A well-translated store builds trust and credibility, making customers feel valued and understood.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: By catering to a broader audience, you can increase your conversion rates and overall sales.
  • Competitive Advantage: Offering a multilingual store sets you apart from competitors who may only cater to a single language market.

Steps to Translate Your Shopify Store

Translating your Shopify store involves several steps, from choosing the right translation app to localising your content. Let’s explore each step in detail:

1. Choose a Translation App

Shopify offers various translation apps that can help you translate your store efficiently. Some popular options include:

  • Langify: A user-friendly app that supports multiple languages and offers automatic language detection.
  • Weglot: An easy-to-use app that provides automatic translations and allows for manual edits.
  • GTranslate: A powerful app that uses Google Translate to provide instant translations.

When choosing a translation app, consider factors such as ease of use, cost, and the level of customisation it offers.

2. Install and Configure the App

Once you’ve chosen a translation app, follow these steps to install and configure it:

  1. Go to the Shopify App Store and search for your chosen translation app.
  2. Click on the app and select “Add app” to install it on your store.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the app settings, such as selecting the languages you want to translate your store into.
  4. Enable automatic language detection if the app supports it, so customers are automatically shown the appropriate language based on their location.

3. Translate Your Store Content

With the translation app installed, you can start translating your store content. This includes:

  • Product Descriptions: Ensure that product descriptions are accurately translated to convey the features and benefits of your products.
  • Collection Pages: Translate collection pages to help customers easily find the products they are looking for.
  • Navigation Menus: Translate navigation menus to improve the overall user experience.
  • Checkout Process: Ensure that the checkout process is fully translated to avoid any confusion during the purchase process.

Most translation apps offer automatic translations, but it’s essential to review and edit the translations to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance.

4. Localise Your Content

Translation is just one part of the process. Localisation involves adapting your content to suit the cultural preferences and norms of your target audience. Here are some tips for effective localisation:

  • Use Local Currency: Display prices in the local currency to make it easier for customers to understand the cost of your products.
  • Adapt Images: Use images that resonate with the local culture and avoid any that may be considered offensive or inappropriate.
  • Consider Local Holidays: Tailor your marketing campaigns and promotions to align with local holidays and events.
  • Adjust Tone and Style: Adapt the tone and style of your content to match the preferences of your target audience. For example, some cultures prefer a formal tone, while others may appreciate a more casual approach.

5. Test Your Translated Store

Before launching your translated store, it’s crucial to test it thoroughly to ensure everything works as expected. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Review Translations: Go through all translated content to check for accuracy and consistency.
  • Test Navigation: Ensure that all navigation menus and links work correctly in each language.
  • Check the Checkout Process: Test the entire checkout process in each language to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for customers.
  • Get Feedback: Ask native speakers to review your translated store and provide feedback on any areas that may need improvement.

Best Practices for Translating Your Shopify Store

To ensure a successful translation and localisation process, follow these best practices:

1. Prioritise Key Markets

Identify the key markets you want to target and prioritise translating your store for those languages. This will help you focus your efforts and resources on the most impactful areas.

2. Use Professional Translators

While automatic translation tools can be helpful, using professional translators ensures higher accuracy and cultural relevance. Consider hiring native speakers or professional translation services for critical content.

3. Maintain Consistency

Ensure consistency in your translations by creating a style guide and glossary of terms. This will help maintain a uniform tone and style across all languages.

4. Regularly Update Translations

As you update your store with new products, promotions, and content, ensure that your translations are also updated. Regularly review and refresh your translations to keep them accurate and relevant.

5. Monitor Performance

Track the performance of your translated store using analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Translating your Shopify store can come with its challenges. Here are some common issues and how to address them:

1. Inaccurate Translations

Automatic translation tools may not always provide accurate translations. To overcome this, review and edit translations manually or use professional translation services.

2. Cultural Differences

Cultural differences can impact how your content is perceived. Conduct thorough research on your target audience’s cultural preferences and adapt your content accordingly.

3. Technical Issues

Technical issues such as broken links or formatting errors can affect the user experience. Test your translated store thoroughly and address any technical issues promptly.

4. Managing Multiple Languages

Managing translations for multiple languages can be complex. Use translation apps that offer robust management features and consider hiring a dedicated team to oversee the process.

Tools and Resources for Translating Your Shopify Store

Several tools and resources can assist you in translating your Shopify store effectively:

Translation Apps

As mentioned earlier, translation apps like Langify, Weglot, and GTranslate can streamline the translation process. Explore their features and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Professional Translation Services

Consider using professional translation services such as:

  • TransPerfect
  • SDL
  • One Hour Translation

These services offer expert translators who can provide high-quality translations tailored to your target audience.

Language and Cultural Guides

Utilise language and cultural guides to understand the nuances of your target markets. Websites like CultureGrams and the CIA World Factbook offer valuable insights into different cultures.

Case Study: Successful Translation of a Shopify Store

Let’s look at a hypothetical case study of a successful translation of a Shopify store:

Store Name Original Language Target Languages Translation App Used Results
Fashionista English French, German, Spanish Weglot Increased international sales by 40%

Fashionista, a popular online fashion store, decided to expand its reach to international markets. They used Weglot to translate their store into French, German, and Spanish. By localising their content and offering a seamless shopping experience, they saw a 40% increase in international sales within six months.


Translating your Shopify store for international customers is a strategic move that can significantly boost your sales and brand recognition. By choosing the right translation app, localising your content, and following best practices, you can create a seamless shopping experience for customers from different linguistic backgrounds. Remember to test your translated store thoroughly, maintain consistency, and regularly update your translations to ensure ongoing success.

Q&A Section

  1. Q: What are the benefits of translating my Shopify store?

    A: Translating your Shopify store enhances user experience, builds trust, increases conversion rates, and gives you a competitive advantage in international markets.
  2. Q: Which translation apps are recommended for Shopify stores?

    A: Popular translation apps for Shopify stores include Langify, Weglot, and GTranslate.
  3. Q: How can I ensure the accuracy of my translations?

    A: To ensure accuracy, review and edit automatic translations manually or use professional translation services.
  4. Q: What is the difference between translation and localisation?

    A: Translation involves converting text from one language to another, while localisation adapts content to suit the cultural preferences and norms of the target audience.
  5. Q: How can I test my translated Shopify store?

    A: Test your translated store by reviewing translations, checking navigation, testing the checkout process, and getting feedback from native speakers.
