Joomla! vs. Drupal: Comparing Translation Capabilities.


Introduction to Joomla! and Drupal

In the realm of content management systems (CMS), Joomla! and Drupal stand out as two of the most robust and versatile platforms available. Both have their unique strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different types of projects. One critical aspect that often influences the choice between these two platforms is their translation capabilities. In an increasingly globalised world, the ability to manage multilingual content efficiently is paramount. This article delves into the translation capabilities of Joomla! and Drupal, providing a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision.

Overview of Joomla!

What is Joomla!?

Joomla! is an open-source CMS that has been around since 2005. It is known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. Joomla! is built on a model-view-controller (MVC) web application framework, which can be used independently of the CMS, allowing for extensive customisation and scalability.

Translation Capabilities in Joomla!

Joomla! offers a range of features to support multilingual websites. These features are designed to make the process of translating content as seamless as possible. Below are some of the key translation capabilities of Joomla!:

  • Language Manager: Joomla!’s Language Manager allows you to manage multiple languages from a single interface. You can install language packs, set default languages, and configure language-specific settings.
  • Content Language: This feature enables you to create and manage content in different languages. You can assign languages to articles, categories, and modules, ensuring that your content is displayed correctly based on the user’s language preference.
  • Associations: Joomla! allows you to create associations between content items in different languages. This means that when a user switches languages, they are taken to the corresponding translated content.
  • Multilingual Menus: You can create separate menus for each language, ensuring that your site’s navigation is consistent and user-friendly across different languages.
  • Extensions: Joomla! has a wide range of extensions that can enhance its translation capabilities. Popular extensions like FaLang and Joom!Fish offer additional features and functionalities for managing multilingual content.

Overview of Drupal

What is Drupal?

Drupal is another open-source CMS that has been around since 2001. It is known for its flexibility, scalability, and robust security features. Drupal is highly customisable, making it a preferred choice for complex and large-scale websites. It uses a modular approach, allowing developers to add or remove features as needed.

Translation Capabilities in Drupal

Drupal offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing multilingual content. These tools are designed to provide a high level of control and flexibility, making Drupal a powerful option for multilingual websites. Below are some of the key translation capabilities of Drupal:

  • Language Module: Drupal’s Language Module allows you to add and manage multiple languages on your site. You can configure language-specific settings and set default languages for different sections of your site.
  • Content Translation: This feature enables you to translate content types, such as articles, pages, and custom content types. You can create translations for each content item, ensuring that your content is available in multiple languages.
  • Interface Translation: Drupal allows you to translate the user interface, including menus, labels, and messages. This ensures that your site’s interface is consistent and user-friendly across different languages.
  • Configuration Translation: This feature enables you to translate configuration settings, such as site name, slogan, and other site-wide settings. This ensures that your site’s configuration is consistent across different languages.
  • Modules: Drupal has a wide range of modules that can enhance its translation capabilities. Popular modules like i18n (Internationalization) and Localization Update offer additional features and functionalities for managing multilingual content.

Comparing Translation Capabilities

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, Joomla! has a slight edge over Drupal. Joomla!’s user-friendly interface and intuitive Language Manager make it easier for beginners to manage multilingual content. The process of installing language packs and configuring language-specific settings is straightforward, making it accessible to users with limited technical knowledge.

On the other hand, Drupal’s translation capabilities are more complex and require a higher level of technical expertise. The modular approach of Drupal means that you need to install and configure multiple modules to achieve the desired translation functionality. This can be challenging for beginners, but it offers a high level of control and flexibility for experienced developers.

Flexibility and Customisation

Both Joomla! and Drupal offer a high level of flexibility and customisation, but Drupal has a slight advantage in this area. Drupal’s modular approach allows you to add or remove features as needed, making it highly customisable. You can create custom content types, fields, and views, giving you complete control over your site’s structure and functionality.

Joomla! also offers a high level of customisation, but it is more limited compared to Drupal. While you can create custom content types and fields, the level of control and flexibility is not as extensive as Drupal. However, Joomla!’s extensions can help bridge this gap, offering additional features and functionalities for managing multilingual content.

Performance and Scalability

When it comes to performance and scalability, both Joomla! and Drupal are capable of handling large-scale websites with high traffic. However, Drupal has a slight edge in this area due to its robust architecture and caching mechanisms. Drupal’s modular approach allows you to optimise your site’s performance by enabling or disabling specific modules as needed.

Joomla! also offers good performance and scalability, but it may require additional optimisation to handle high traffic. The use of extensions can impact your site’s performance, so it is essential to choose extensions that are well-coded and optimised for performance.

Community and Support

Both Joomla! and Drupal have active communities and extensive documentation, providing a wealth of resources for users. Joomla!’s community is known for its user-friendly approach, offering a range of tutorials, forums, and support channels for beginners and experienced users alike.

Drupal’s community is also active and supportive, but it is more geared towards experienced developers. The documentation is comprehensive, but it can be challenging for beginners to navigate. However, the community is always willing to help, and there are numerous forums, tutorials, and support channels available.

Case Study: Translation Workflow

Joomla! Translation Workflow

Let’s take a closer look at the translation workflow in Joomla!:

  • Step 1: Install Language Packs: The first step is to install the necessary language packs from the Joomla! Extensions Directory. This can be done through the Language Manager, where you can search for and install language packs for the languages you want to support.
  • Step 2: Configure Language Settings: Once the language packs are installed, you can configure the language settings in the Language Manager. This includes setting the default language, configuring language-specific settings, and enabling language switching options.
  • Step 3: Create Multilingual Content: With the language settings configured, you can start creating multilingual content. This involves creating articles, categories, and modules in different languages and associating them with the corresponding language packs.
  • Step 4: Create Multilingual Menus: To ensure that your site’s navigation is consistent across different languages, you can create separate menus for each language. This can be done through the Menu Manager, where you can create and manage menus for different languages.
  • Step 5: Test and Publish: Once the multilingual content and menus are created, you can test your site to ensure that everything is working correctly. This includes testing the language switching options and verifying that the content is displayed correctly based on the user’s language preference. Once everything is working as expected, you can publish your site.

Drupal Translation Workflow

Now, let’s take a closer look at the translation workflow in Drupal:

  • Step 1: Install Language Module: The first step is to install the Language Module from the Drupal module repository. This module allows you to add and manage multiple languages on your site.
  • Step 2: Configure Language Settings: Once the Language Module is installed, you can configure the language settings in the Language Configuration section. This includes adding languages, setting default languages, and configuring language-specific settings.
  • Step 3: Install Translation Modules: To enable content translation, you need to install additional translation modules, such as Content Translation and Interface Translation. These modules allow you to translate content types, user interface elements, and configuration settings.
  • Step 4: Create Multilingual Content: With the translation modules installed and configured, you can start creating multilingual content. This involves creating translations for content types, such as articles, pages, and custom content types.
  • Step 5: Test and Publish: Once the multilingual content is created, you can test your site to ensure that everything is working correctly. This includes testing the language switching options and verifying that the content is displayed correctly based on the user’s language preference. Once everything is working as expected, you can publish your site.

Comparison Table

To provide a clear comparison of the translation capabilities of Joomla! and Drupal, we have created the following table:

Feature Joomla! Drupal
Ease of Use High Medium
Flexibility and Customisation Medium High
Performance and Scalability Good Excellent
Community and Support Active and User-Friendly Active and Developer-Oriented
Language Manager Yes No (Requires Modules)
Content Translation Yes Yes
Interface Translation Yes Yes
Configuration Translation No Yes
Multilingual Menus Yes No (Requires Modules)
Extensions/Modules FaLang, Joom!Fish i18n, Localization Update


In conclusion, both Joomla! and Drupal offer robust translation capabilities, making them suitable for managing multilingual websites. Joomla! is known for its ease of use and user-friendly interface, making it a good choice for beginners and small to medium-sized websites. Its Language Manager and multilingual menus provide a straightforward way to manage multilingual content.

On the other hand, Drupal offers a high level of flexibility and customisation, making it a preferred choice for complex and large-scale websites. Its modular approach allows for extensive control over translation capabilities, but it requires a higher level of technical expertise. Drupal’s performance and scalability are also superior, making it suitable for high-traffic websites.

Ultimately, the choice between Joomla! and Drupal depends on your specific needs and technical expertise. If you are looking for a user-friendly CMS with straightforward translation capabilities, Joomla! may be the better option. However, if you require a highly customisable and scalable CMS with advanced translation features, Drupal is the way to go.

Q&A Section

  1. Q: Which CMS is easier to use for managing multilingual content?
    A: Joomla! is generally easier to use for managing multilingual content due to its user-friendly interface and intuitive Language Manager.
  2. Q: Can I translate configuration settings in Joomla! and Drupal?
    A: You can translate configuration settings in Drupal using the Configuration Translation module. Joomla! does not have built-in support for translating configuration settings.
  3. Q: Are there any extensions or modules available to enhance translation capabilities?
    A: Yes, both Joomla! and Drupal have extensions and modules available to enhance translation capabilities. For Joomla!, popular extensions include FaLang and Joom!Fish. For Drupal, popular modules include i18n and Localization Update.
  4. Q: Which CMS offers better performance and scalability?
    A: Drupal offers better performance and scalability due to its robust architecture and caching mechanisms. However, Joomla! also offers good performance and scalability with proper optimisation.
  5. Q: Is community support available for both Joomla! and Drupal?
    A: Yes, both Joomla! and Drupal have active communities and extensive documentation, providing a wealth of resources for users. Joomla!’s community is known for its user-friendly approach, while Drupal’s community is more geared towards experienced developers.
