Using Translation Modules to Expand Your Drupal Website’s Reach.


Introduction to Translation Modules in Drupal

In today’s globalised world, reaching a broader audience is more important than ever. For website owners, this often means making content accessible in multiple languages. Drupal, a powerful content management system (CMS), offers a variety of translation modules that can help you achieve this goal. This article delves into the intricacies of using translation modules to expand your Drupal website’s reach, providing valuable insights and practical advice.

Why Multilingual Websites Matter

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s essential to understand why having a multilingual website is crucial. Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Broader Audience: By offering content in multiple languages, you can attract visitors from different linguistic backgrounds.
  • Improved User Experience: Users are more likely to engage with content in their native language.
  • SEO Benefits: Multilingual websites can improve your search engine rankings in different regions.
  • Increased Trust: Providing content in multiple languages can build trust and credibility with a diverse audience.

Understanding Drupal’s Translation Modules

Drupal offers several modules to facilitate content translation. These modules can be broadly categorised into core modules and contributed modules. Let’s explore each category in detail.

Core Translation Modules

Drupal’s core translation modules are built into the CMS and provide essential functionalities for creating a multilingual website. The key core modules include:

  • Language: This module allows you to add and manage different languages on your site.
  • Content Translation: Enables translation of content types such as articles, pages, and custom content types.
  • Interface Translation: Facilitates the translation of the Drupal interface, including menus, messages, and other UI elements.
  • Configuration Translation: Allows translation of configuration settings, such as site name, slogan, and other configurable elements.

Contributed Translation Modules

In addition to core modules, the Drupal community has developed several contributed modules that offer advanced translation features. Some popular contributed modules include:

  • Entity Translation: Provides a flexible way to translate entities, including nodes, taxonomy terms, and user profiles.
  • Internationalization (i18n): A comprehensive suite of modules that extend Drupal’s multilingual capabilities.
  • Localization Update: Automatically updates translations from the Drupal community’s translation server.
  • Pathauto: Generates URL aliases for translated content, improving SEO and user experience.

Setting Up a Multilingual Drupal Website

Setting up a multilingual Drupal website involves several steps. This section provides a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Install and Enable Core Translation Modules

The first step is to install and enable the core translation modules. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Extend in the admin toolbar.
  2. Search for the core translation modules (Language, Content Translation, Interface Translation, Configuration Translation).
  3. Select the modules and click Install.

Step 2: Add Languages

Once the core modules are enabled, you can add the languages you want to support:

  1. Go to Configuration > Regional and Language > Languages.
  2. Click Add language and select the desired language from the list.
  3. Repeat the process for each language you want to add.

Step 3: Configure Language Detection and Selection

Next, configure how Drupal detects and selects the language for each user:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Regional and Language > Languages.
  2. Click the Detection and selection tab.
  3. Enable and configure the desired detection methods, such as URL, session, or browser settings.

Step 4: Translate Content

With the languages set up, you can start translating your content:

  1. Create or edit a content item (e.g., an article or page).
  2. Click the Translate tab.
  3. Select the language you want to translate the content into.
  4. Enter the translated content and save.

Best Practices for Multilingual Content

Creating a multilingual website involves more than just translating text. Here are some best practices to ensure a seamless user experience:

Consistent Terminology

Ensure that terminology is consistent across all languages. This helps maintain clarity and avoids confusion.

Professional Translation

Consider hiring professional translators to ensure high-quality translations. Automated translation tools can be helpful but may not always provide accurate results.


Localisation goes beyond translation. It involves adapting content to suit the cultural and regional preferences of your audience. This can include date formats, currency, and even images.

SEO Considerations

Optimise your multilingual content for search engines. Use hreflang tags to indicate the language and regional targeting of your pages. Ensure that URL structures are SEO-friendly and include language codes.

Challenges and Solutions

While creating a multilingual website offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its challenges. Here are some common challenges and their solutions:

Content Management

Managing content in multiple languages can be complex. Use Drupal’s content translation workflows to streamline the process. Assign roles and permissions to translators to ensure efficient collaboration.

Technical Issues

Technical issues such as broken links or missing translations can arise. Regularly test your website to identify and fix these issues. Use tools like the Localization Update module to keep translations up to date.

User Experience

Ensuring a seamless user experience across different languages can be challenging. Conduct user testing to identify and address any usability issues. Pay attention to language-specific nuances and cultural differences.

Case Study: Successful Multilingual Drupal Websites

To illustrate the effectiveness of using translation modules, let’s look at some successful multilingual Drupal websites:

Website Description Languages Supported
UNICEF UNICEF’s website provides information and resources in multiple languages to support its global mission. English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian
Amnesty International Amnesty International’s website offers content in various languages to advocate for human rights worldwide. English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian
Harvard University Harvard University’s website provides information about its programs and initiatives in multiple languages. English, Spanish, Chinese


Expanding your Drupal website’s reach through translation modules is a powerful strategy to attract a global audience. By leveraging both core and contributed modules, you can create a seamless multilingual experience for your users. Remember to follow best practices, address challenges proactively, and continuously optimise your content for different languages. With the right approach, your multilingual Drupal website can become a valuable asset in reaching and engaging a diverse audience.

Q&A Section

Q1: What are the core translation modules in Drupal?

A1: The core translation modules in Drupal include Language, Content Translation, Interface Translation, and Configuration Translation.

Q2: How can I add a new language to my Drupal website?

A2: To add a new language, navigate to Configuration > Regional and Language > Languages, click “Add language,” and select the desired language from the list.

Q3: What is the purpose of the Entity Translation module?

A3: The Entity Translation module provides a flexible way to translate entities, including nodes, taxonomy terms, and user profiles.

Q4: Why is localisation important for a multilingual website?

A4: Localisation involves adapting content to suit the cultural and regional preferences of your audience, ensuring a more relevant and engaging user experience.

Q5: How can I optimise my multilingual content for SEO?

A5: To optimise multilingual content for SEO, use hreflang tags, ensure SEO-friendly URL structures, and include language codes in URLs.
