GTranslate Multilingual Plugin Review

Discover the comprehensive review of the GTranslate Multilingual Plugin, exploring its features, user interface, performance, SEO benefits, and pricing plans. Learn how this plugin can enhance your website’s multilingual capabilities and global reach.

Introduction to the GTranslate Multilingual Plugin

GTranslate Review

In the increasingly globalised world, having a multilingual website is not just a luxury but a necessity for reaching a broader audience. The GTranslate Multilingual Plugin is one of the popular tools used by webmasters to achieve this goal. This article delves deep into the features, benefits, and functionality of the GTranslate Multilingual Plugin, providing an extensive review to help you determine if it’s the right tool for your multilingual website needs.

Overview of GTranslate

GTranslate is a WordPress plugin designed to translate websites into multiple languages. It utilises Google Translate to provide automatic translations, making it possible for site visitors to view content in their preferred language. The plugin supports over 100 languages, making it a versatile choice for websites targeting a global audience.

Key Features of GTranslate

  • Automatic Translation: Uses Google Translate to automatically translate website content into over 100 languages.
  • SEO-Friendly: Translated pages are indexable by search engines, potentially improving your site’s SEO in multiple languages.
  • Customizable Language Switcher: The plugin offers various styles for the language switcher, allowing you to match it with your site’s design.
  • URL Translation: Translates URLs to reflect the language of the content, enhancing the user experience and SEO.
  • Flag Icons: Includes flag icons for each language, making it easy for users to select their preferred language.
  • Support for WooCommerce: Compatible with WooCommerce, enabling you to create a multilingual online store.
  • Translation Editing: Allows you to manually edit translations to ensure accuracy.
  • Analytics Integration: Integrates with Google Analytics to track the performance of translated pages.

Installation and Setup

Setting up the GTranslate plugin is straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Download and install the GTranslate plugin from the WordPress repository.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to the GTranslate settings page to configure the plugin according to your preferences.
  4. Select the languages you want to enable on your website.
  5. Customize the appearance of the language switcher.
  6. Save the settings and check your website to see the translation options in action.

User Interface and Experience

The GTranslate plugin provides an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate even for those with limited technical expertise. The settings page is well-organized, with clear options for configuring the plugin’s features. The language switcher is highly customizable, allowing you to choose from various styles, positions, and flag icons.

Customizing the Language Switcher

One of the standout features of GTranslate is the ability to customize the language switcher. You can choose from different styles, including dropdown menus, flag icons, or a simple text list. This flexibility ensures that the switcher can seamlessly integrate with your website’s design.

URL Translation

GTranslate offers the option to translate URLs, which is a significant advantage for SEO. When a user selects a different language, the URL changes to reflect the language, such as for Spanish. This feature helps search engines index your translated content correctly and improves the user experience by making it clear which language version of the page they are viewing.

Performance and Compatibility

GTranslate is designed to work smoothly with various WordPress themes and plugins. It is compatible with popular page builders like Elementor and Gutenberg, as well as e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce. This compatibility ensures that you can create a fully functional multilingual website without running into major issues.

Impact on Site Speed

While adding any plugin to your website can potentially impact site speed, GTranslate is optimized to minimize this effect. The plugin uses cloud-based translation, which means the translations are fetched from Google’s servers rather than your own. This approach reduces the load on your server and helps maintain site performance.

SEO Benefits

GTranslate’s SEO-friendly features are one of its main selling points. By allowing search engines to index translated pages, the plugin can help improve your site’s visibility in non-English search results. The translated URLs and meta tags further enhance SEO, making it easier for international users to find your content.

Cost and Licensing

GTranslate offers both free and paid versions of the plugin. The free version includes basic features, such as automatic translation and a customizable language switcher. The paid versions, which come in three tiers—Basic, Pro, and Business—offer additional features like URL translation, translation editing, and priority support.

Pricing Plans

FreeAutomatic translation, customizable language switcher£0
BasicAll free features, SEO-friendly URLs, Analytics integration£5/month
ProAll Basic features, manual translation editing, URL translation£15/month
BusinessAll Pro features, priority support, advanced customization options£25/month

Pros and Cons

Like any plugin, GTranslate has its advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a summary of the pros and cons:


  • Easy to Use: User-friendly interface and simple setup process.
  • Wide Language Support: Supports over 100 languages.
  • SEO Benefits: Helps improve your site’s visibility in international search results.
  • Customizable Switcher: Various styles to match your website’s design.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: Works well with e-commerce sites.


  • Limited Free Features: The free version lacks some advanced features.
  • Dependency on Google Translate: Automatic translations might not always be accurate.
  • Potential Performance Impact: Can affect site speed if not configured properly.


Overall, the GTranslate Multilingual Plugin is a powerful tool for creating multilingual websites. Its ease of use, wide language support, and SEO benefits make it an attractive choice for webmasters. However, the limitations of the free version and the reliance on Google Translate for automatic translations are factors to consider.

If you are looking to expand your website’s reach and cater to a global audience, GTranslate is definitely worth considering. The paid versions offer advanced features that can significantly enhance your multilingual website’s functionality and performance.

Q&A Section

  1. Q: How many languages does GTranslate support?
  2. A: GTranslate supports over 100 languages, making it a versatile choice for global websites.
  3. Q: Can I manually edit translations in GTranslate?
  4. A: Yes, manual translation editing is available in the Pro and Business plans.
  5. Q: Does GTranslate affect my website’s SEO?
  6. A: Yes, GTranslate helps improve SEO by allowing search engines to index translated pages.
  7. Q: Is GTranslate compatible with WooCommerce?
  8. A: Yes, GTranslate is fully compatible with WooCommerce, enabling you to create a multilingual online store.
  9. Q: What are the main differences between the free and paid versions of GTranslate?
  10. A: The free version offers basic features, while the paid versions provide additional features such as URL translation, manual translation editing, and priority support.